How to create a virtual machine in Digitalocean?

We have lots of popular cloud providers out there in this article will talk about Digitalocean. Specifically will talk about virtual machine creation in Digitalocean.

What is Digitalocean?

Digitalocean is a pioneer in the cloud provider. Most of the internet WordPress sites are hosted on this platform. For the big bloggers, Digitalocean is their number one choice.

Digitalocean virtual machine terminology

Every platform has there own terminology. The same is the case with Digitalocean. In the Digitalocean platform, they call the virtual machine Droplets.

How to create virtual machine?

  1. log in to digitalocean from the link
  2. Once login from the right-hand side corner select the droplet.
  3. now click on create the droplet
  4. No configuration page will appear where you can select the details you want like os image, CPU, storage, data center location, VPC network.
  5. There you will get an option for Authentication there are two options SSH keys and Password. you can select anyone at your convenience.
  6. They have the additional option also like backups, Monitoring, IPv6, User data you can select those as per your requirement.
  7. you can also add tags to the virtual machine. Because if you work in a big environment so there will lots of the Vitualmachine so using this you can Catagories these VM’s.
  8. After that hit on to create a droplet and within a minute you have your virtual machine running.

How to login into the Digitalocean droplet?

  1. select the droplet that you created.
  2. there you will find the ipv4 address copy
  3. open the cmd prompt and enter the below command
    SSH <user-name>@<ip>
  4. Once you enter these details it will ask for a password. enter the password that you gave while creating the droplet.

How to create virtual machine Video?

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